Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Answer to Addiction

We all have addictive tendencies because we all have the temptation to avoid pain, problems, and difficulty. What happens when we push off looking reality in the face and walking through it honestly? We cope! We gravitate toward things that make us feel better, help us avoid reality, or at minimum numb our thoughts and feelings for a temporary amount of time. For me, I was made fun of when I was young so when I started using drugs as a teenager it made me feel good. At least for a little while. Never mind the dangers, I thought, "I feel good". Why did I need to feel good? That's right, because I felt horrible about myself. Seriously horrible. It was all great until I came down from my high because I had to feel horrible again. So what did I do? I went back to the drugs to feel better. But now, it's no longer about avoiding anything, because the addiction sets in and your body wants it because it's getting use to life with this new substance.

We gravitate toward things that make us feel better, help us avoid reality, or at minimum numb our thoughts and feelings for a temporary amount of time.

When I turned 19 my drug use no longer made me feel good. I was worse than when I started and I didn't even know how I felt or what I thought, and quite frankly I didn't care. I got sick of it. I was sick of life as I knew it. One night I talked to God. I didn't know God or believe in Jesus, but I talked to Him that night. That night He touched my heart. It was so powerful that I cried for an hour or more. That's right, I cried like a kid which is how old I was when I started drowning all my thoughts and feelings with drugs, alcohol, and sex outside of marriage. Jesus touched my heart and gave me the courage to face the pain that I had received and caused for the last several years. He changed my inward appetite from drugs and alcohol to truth, real relationships, love, and helping others. He even gave me power over the addictions and my body didn't want them anymore. 

Jesus did for me what I could never do for myself!

Our world is filled with painful moments and circumstances. Right alongside these experiences we will find ways to cope that lead us down paths that can begin to change the course of our future. Addictions just suck! But I think if we were all honest, many of us have them. Sex, food, television, drugs, alcohol, and even Facebook. Not all of these things are evil in themselves of course, but almost anything can become an addiction if we are not careful.

Jesus has an answer for our addictions. 

"...almost anything can become an addiction if we are not careful."

In fact, Jesus is the answer. His Church is the place and people that walk out relationship to become whole together. We follow the healer and become healed. We follow the Deliverer and we are delivered. He is calling us night and day out of our addictions and into his freedom. Sometimes it's just one step at a time. And for some strange reason I believe the first step for someone reading this is to wake up in the morning, go to a church, and ask someone who looks friendly to pray with you. You don't need to wait until tomorrow, you can ask Jesus tonight, but I feel that someone reading this needed to hear it and I didn't plan to write it. But if you made it this far, I encourage you to ask Jesus for his help and go to a church tomorrow and ask someone that loves Him to help you as well. If you can't find anyone to help you, I WILL!  Just send me a message or give me a phone call. My number is 425-967-7710!

One step toward Christ is another step out of our addictions because Jesus is always the answer.

I remember a guy came to our church one night and listened to me preach.  After I was finished he waited for me as I prayed for several people.  He then approached me and said "you know, God doesn't want you to forget where you come from. People need to hear about it." That was all he said and then he walked away. I never saw him again but I never forgot what he said.

God loves us and He has more for us than coping through our addictions. He has a real life worth living waiting for us as we learn to follow Him. One step toward Christ is another step out of our addictions because Jesus is always the answer.


A guy who hasn't forgotten where he comes from.

Ben Dixon, Ministry Director

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